Community-Engaged Learning
Community-engaged learning and service-learning at Buffalo State are driven by faculty who choose to incorporate a community-based learning project into a course that provides students with hands-on opportunities to learn course content while engaging with local communities.
Campus Connection
Support for Faculty
Faculty who are interested in incorporating service-learning into their classes will be provided with any of the following services:
assistance in identifying and designing relevant community-based projects
support for syllabus creation and alterations
assisting with course conversion and service-learning course designation process
developing partnerships with community partner agencies, as well as providing community organization contact information
assistance with coordinating and facilitating faculty and community organization meetings
ongoing communication with community organizations throughout the semester
coordinating student schedules and assisting students with logistical arrangements
problem-solving and troubleshooting issues that arise;
offering student and community partner assessment opportunities to help determine the effectiveness of the service-learning component of your course;
faculty training on service-learning pedagogy and implementation and other professional development opportunities
identifying resources (articles, books, reflection activity examples) such as our resource library, professional development opportunities and training, new facilitation of the service-learning course designation process, forms, documentation, and assessment and evaluation tools;
networking with Buffalo State College service-learning faculty members and faculty members at other regional institutions through the Western New York Service-Learning Coalition
recognizing faculty and students who have demonstrated excellence in service-learning at the annual Celebration of Community Engagement